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La parodia en la nueva novela hispanoamericana (1960-1985)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro La parodia en la nueva novela hispanoamericana (1960-1985)

In this brilliant overview of parodic praxis in the Spanish-American novel during the years 1960-1985, Elzbieta SkPlodowska examines several aspects of parody: its role in the renovation of anachronistic forms of discourse (mock-epic) and the re-writing of the canon of the historical novel; its function in transgressing literary formulas (detective novel); its subversive quality in the counter-discourse of women writers; and the relation between parody, satire, irony, humor, and metafiction. This sound analysis of some twenty-five novels, carefully illustrated by works little treated in critical discourse, takes as its theoretical basis the works of the Russian Formalists and Linda Hutcheon's theory of parody.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas 219


  • Elzbieta Sklodowska


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