The Richest Poor Kid / El Niño Pobre Más Rico Del Mundo
Sinopsis del Libro

Even though Randy is much loved at home, he has a serious problem—everything he has is old! His rich neighbor Mike, who often teases Randy, has a new bike, new toys, and never does chores. Randy, however, rides an old bike, has old toys, and has to do all kinds of work around the house. Though Randy is often reminded that “things don’t bring happiness,” he desperately wishes he could be rich so he could buy everything new.To Randy’s great delight, his wish comes true. Everything he touches turns into gold, even his beloved dog. As he holds his lifeless gold dog, he realizes he’s the most miserable kid in the world. Remembering he has one more wish, he uses it to return things as they were before. His wish comes true, and he becomes the richest poor kid.Virtues: Appreciation / Cheerfulness / Trust Aunque Randy es amado en casa, odia ser pobre. Cuando se le ofrecen dos deseos, rápidamente desea que todo lo que toca se convierta en oro. Mientras sostiene su perro de oro sin vida, se da cuenta de que la felicidad es más que posesiones. Su último deseo lo transforma.
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