Libreria Circulo Rojo

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The art of pleasing yourself

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro The art of pleasing yourself

This is a book about self-help and a little bit about seduction, because all my works have something of this world. That's why it can be used as a self-help book or as a seduction book. Undoubtedly, what it will help you the most is to:: Respect yourself. Protect yourself from harmful people. Do life the way you want to do it, without inferences from bad and interested people. Laugh at yourself and laugh with the book because it has touches of humor. Thanks to the experience that I have captured here you will learn how to: Seduce difficult women. Transform your current self into your ideal self. To have charisma and magnetism. Neurolinguistic programming. Attract girls with your presence alone. Know how to successfully approach girls. Pick up girls, get girls, seduce women, get women, fall in love. Have interesting conversations with girls. Seduce on the Internet. To be attractive. To make yourself respected, to respect yourself. Be independent. Improve your social skills. Seduction techniques. Become a master in seduction. Be seductive, attract girls. With it you will be able to attract, seduce and get girls and women. To kiss, to conquer, to fall in love. In short, you will learn how to seduce, flirt and seduce. If you put these tips into practice you can gradually become a seducer. If you internalize well the teaching and practice a lot in the long run you will become a master of seduction. Get girls, pick up girls, seduce girls, seduce women, get women, fall in love. Seduction. Attract girls, be seductive. I hope you like it. Fhoto Darius Bashar.

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Número de páginas 47



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