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Si Pensara En Ti, Te Despreciaria

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Si Pensara En Ti, Te Despreciaria

What happens when the last person you want to see is the one that you need? Aureliana attends her school reunion even though she wasn't happy there. She was made fun of due to her weight. Now that she is 30, she wants to put her past behind her and confront the bullies who made her life miserable. Since she looks completely different and no one recognizes her, she decides to put her revenge plan aside and just leave. Fate has something different in mind for her and she bumps into James. He is definitively attractive, but he is ugly on the inside. They begin a love/hate relationship, but eventually discover what makes each other tick.

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Número de páginas 480


  • Mhairi Mcfarlane


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