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Qué es la animación sociocultural

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Qué es la animación sociocultural

The objective of this work consists on clarifying what the sociocultural animation is, its epistemological perspective, is as well as its scientific construction. It pursues, also, to train the professionals and volunteers linked to the social field of the education and the sociocultural animation for, this way, to improve their daily practice. The purpose of the authors is that the readers know in the different conceptions of the sociocultural animation, analyze its character and achieve a clearer vision of what it is and what it means. They are also presented the anthropological, sociological and psychological foundations, as well as the principles and values that promote them. They play an excellent paper the communication and the participation, as essential elements.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Epistemología y valores

Número de páginas 224



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