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Musicology and Sister Disciplines

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Musicology and Sister Disciplines

Drawing on the work of leading experts from around the globe, Musicology and Sister Disciplines provides the definitive, authoritative statement on the scope of musicology today and its relationship to other fields of academic endeavour, including philosophy and aesthetics, literary studies, art history, mathematics, computer science, historiography, and sociology. These groundbreaking papers represent the outcome of a major musicological conference in 1997, and include contributions from the philosopher Bernard Williams and world-famous mathematician Roger Penrose.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Past, Present, Future : Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the International Musicological Society, London, 1997

Número de páginas 681


  • England) International Musicological Society Congress 1997 (london
  • International Musicological Society. Congress
  • International Musicological Society


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