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La cocina de Hogwarts / The Official Harry Potter Baking Book

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Libro La cocina de Hogwarts / The Official Harry Potter Baking Book

¡Adéntrate en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería a través de sus cocinas! Inspirado en las películas de Harry Potter, este libro contiene 45 recetas acompañadas de magníficas fotografías, y es una obra que todos los seguidores de la saga querrán tener. Sus deliciosas recetas, desde los pasteles de calabaza hasta los muffins de búhos salados , pasando por las espectrogafas de Luna o el castillo de Hogwarts de pan de jengibre , cautivarán tus sentidos. Invita a tus amigos a un banquete como los del Gran Comedor de Hogwarts ¡o disfruta de un pastel individual! La cocina de Hogwarts incluye numerosas recetas vegetarianas, veganas y sin gluten. ¡Es ideal para todos! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! Bake your way through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Inspired by the films, this is the ONE and ONLY official Harry Potter cookbook! Packed with over 40 recipes and gorgeous, eye-catching photography, this baking cookbook is a must-have for every Harry Potter fan. Delight in 43 tasty recipes inspired by the Harry Potter films! From Pumpkin Patch Pies to Owl Muffins, Luna's Spectrespecs Cookies to Hogwarts Gingerbread, The Official Harry Potter Baking Cookbook is packed with mouthwatering recipes that will, dare we say, ... ensnare the senses. Host a Great Hall-inspired feast for your friends or delight in a portion for one. Includes recipes for all kinds of delicious baked goods, as well as nutritional and dietary information. This baking cookbook is great for everyone and includes gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan recipes as well!

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  • Joanna Farrow


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