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En busca del Quijote desde otra orilla

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro En busca del Quijote desde otra orilla

"In search of "Don Quixote" from other side of the estimate that there are no gaps between the various fields of knowledge and literary productions that are specific manifestations of a global representation system historically determined. So, it seemed necessary to put Don Quixote in its various circumstances, linking it to the contexts under which it has set, especially regarding attitudes and references involved, not to mention the cultural particularities that arise in him, both scholarly and popular. Hence, the approaches used, of a historical, anthropological and literary, to go for the creation of Cervantes, using as different scientific guidance which often takes the critique of the use, justifying the title. Also been followed three paths converge: the emergence of a new poetics, investment codes and the complex union of paradox, parody and invention, achieved through the analysis of some episodes."--Publisher's website.

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Número de páginas 286


  • Augustin Redondo


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