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The Hero of Cinco De Mayo/ El Hroe De Cinco De Mayo

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro The Hero of Cinco De Mayo/ El Hroe De Cinco De Mayo

Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin was born in Goliad, Texas, in 1829, when Texas was part of Mexico. His family lived on a Mexican fort because his father was a soldier in the army. Ignacio wanted to be a just like his father! When he was seven, Texas became independent from Mexico, and the family had to move to Matamoros, Mexico. Later they moved to Monterrey. Ignacio tried to join the Mexican army in 1846 when the United States declared war, but he was too young. He was finally able to join the armed forces when he turned 24. An outstanding soldier, he was named the commander of the Mexican army and navy by President Benito Juarez. In 1862, he had to defend his country against the invading French army, one of the strongest in the world. The Mexican troops were mostly volunteers, including women and Zapotec indigenous people, and their weapons were no match for the French. This bilingual picture book recounts the story of the Battle of Puebla and the Mexican army's unexpected win against a much stronger foe. Today this victory is celebrated in the United States as Cinco de Mayo, a day to commemorate the Mexican roots of many US citizens. This non-fiction picture book for older elementary school students contains realistic illustrations depicting the Mexican general and his times.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Ignacio Zaragoza Segun

Número de páginas 32


  • José Angel Gutiérrez


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