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Perspectiva histórica del arte

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Libro Perspectiva histórica del arte

To know the work of art in its historical context we can understand and explain its meaning, the symbols involved, the author's intention and the reasons that allowed its creation. In this sense, the book seeks to recognize the various manifestations of art in its historical perspective. The book comprises ten original works, that try to discern the artistic creations since Pre-Hispanic times, in the Viceroyalty, up to the current period, and where visual arts, drama and music are also involved. "This book emerges as a need to spread the texts on art carried out by professors and students of the Instituto de Artes of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, In addition to those of the Universidad de Guadalajara and from the Consejo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Hidalgo." (Our translation)--Page 7.

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Subtitulo : I

Número de páginas 186


  • Carmen Lorenzo Monterrubio


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