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Myths in Crisis

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Myths in Crisis

This trilingual volume examines the extent to which myths are affected by the crises of the 20th and 21st centuries. It brings together four theoretical studies which analyse both the crisis of structure – implying the distortion or disappearance of myth – and the crisis of concepts and terminology that currently threaten the study of mythology. The largest section of the volume focuses on the crises that have affected ancient, medieval and modern literary myths from a global perspective, taking into account psychology, ethics, politics and contemporary meta-literature. The final section examines the crisis experienced by those myths which permeate the material world, investigating historical and fictitious characters, mythologized places, and languages. The volume is a remarkable collection of 30 texts that were selected from 300 proposals by prestigious researchers from over 30 countries during the 3rd International Conference of Myth Criticism held in Madrid in October 2014.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : The Crisis of Myth

Número de páginas 470


  • Jose Manuel Losada
  • Jose Manuel Losada


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