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Mujeres y hombres en la España ilustrada

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Libro Mujeres y hombres en la España ilustrada

The eighteenth century is one of the paradigms for studying identity crisis. It is from this period that the foundations of modernity and the definition of the values of contemporary societies are based. In this process of change, the debate on the intellectual capacity of females and their new role in the civilization of manners became a central issue that would define the whole time It not only helped to review the patterns of life and women's experiences, but also to rethink the role of man in the modern project of Enlightenment. This book explores the construction of these identities in the visual culture of the eighteenth century, trying to uncover the nature of power between the sexes through the artist's eye.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : identidad, género y visualidad

Número de páginas 480


  • Álvaro Molina


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