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Lulu and the Hunger MonsterTM/Lulú y el Monstruo del Hambre

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Lulu and the Hunger MonsterTM/Lulú y el Monstruo del Hambre

Award-winning Lulu and the Hunger Monster is also available as a bilingual book in Spanish and English. When Lulu’s mother’s van breaks down, money for food becomes tight and the Hunger Monster comes into their lives. Only visible to Lulu, Hunger Monster is a troublemaker who makes it hard for her to concentrate in school. How will Lulu help her mom and defeat the Monster when Lulu has promised never to speak the monster’s name to anyone? This realistic—and hopeful—book in Spanish and English builds awareness of the issue of childhood hunger, increases empathy for people who are food insecure, and demonstrates how anyone can help end hunger. Lulu and the Hunger Monster /Lulú y el Monstruo del Hambre empowers children to destigmatize the issue of hunger before the feeling turns into shame. The author combines years of experience fighting hunger as a food bank CEO with an MFA in writing for young children to craft an honest story of how poverty and food insecurity can affect adults and their children. Lulu’s story addresses the effects of hunger on learning and can be used in group settings to address social justice issues in an accessible and encouraging way.

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Número de páginas 44


  • Erik Talkin


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