Libreria Circulo Rojo

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Los indígenas de las Llanuras: Sobrevivir en la gran extensión

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Los indígenas de las Llanuras: Sobrevivir en la gran extensión

How do you truly engage students in learning history? When students make personal connections to the subject, they’re much more motivated to learn. This Spanish book provides firsthand accounts of history that give personal insights into historical events. Students will learn about the culture, history, and distinctive features of the Lakota, Cheyenne, Comanche, Pawnee, Osage, Omaha, and Crow tribes. With a visually appealing layout, this book features captivating text, fun facts, sidebars, and time lines that help students grasp the essential concepts they need to know at their grade level. Packed with information and primary source maps, images, and documents, these books are perfect for reports or projects. The Read and Respond post-reading questions and a culminating activity sharpen critical-thinking skills while building reading comprehension and vocabulary.

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Número de páginas 32



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Take a trip to New Orleans with a young girl and her family as they attend one of the world's biggest parties: Mardi Gras! Learn all about the history of this fascinating festival as you practice subtraction strategies. This Spanish math book combines math and literacy skills, and uses real-life examples of problem solving to teach subject area content. The full-color images, engaging sidebars, practice problems, and math diagrams make learning subtraction strategies relevant and fun. Text features include a table of contents, glossary, and index to increase understanding of math and reading...

¡Todos a bordo! Cómo funcionan los trenes (All Aboard! How Trains Work) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¡Todos a bordo! Cómo funcionan los trenes (All Aboard! How Trains Work) (Spanish Version)

Climb aboard for a journey into the world of trains! In this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers learn about the history of trains, the different uses for them, and the different types and parts including freight cars, box cars, passenger cars, and the caboose. With detailed photos, informative text, and intriguing facts, this book will have readers delighted from cover to cover!

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¡Viva! ¡Es sábado!

Libro ¡Viva! ¡Es sábado!

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Libro Imperator

Año de Nuestro Señor de 1209. Braira huye del exterminio de sus hermanos cátaros y se refugia en la corte de Aragón, bajo la protección de la reina Constanza, recién desposada con Federico II de Sicilia; un príncipe empeñado en llegar a ser el hombre más poderoso de su tiempo y ganarse el derecho a ser llamado Estupor del Mundo. Hasta su isla viaja la joven occitana, llevando consigo el secreto de su fe y una rara habilidad que pronto atraerá sobre ella la atención del monarca, convirtiéndola en protagonista de una trepidante sucesión de aventuras- el talento para interpretar las ...

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