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Libro Fuentes

FUENTES, the successful two volume intermediate Spanish program presents an integrated skills approach to intermediate Spanish that develops both receptive and productive skills simultaneously. Fuentes is made up of FUENTES: CONVERSACIÓN Y GRAMÁTICA (FCG) and FUENTES: LECTURA Y REDACCIÓN (FLR). Although FUENTES: CONVERSACIÓN Y GRAMÁTICA and FUENTES: LECTURA Y REDACCIÓN are designed to be used together, they can also be used independently of each other. FUENTES: CONVERSACIÓN Y GRAMÁTICA, Fourth Edition, is organized by chapter theme, grammar, functions, and vocabulary. Fuentes program approach and philosophy: We learn by doing. By using the language to communicate original thoughts, in oral and written form, and by interacting with written texts and recorded conversations, students will acquire a high degree of proficiency Skill integration promotes language development. Each skill reinforces the others; therefore, students learn to comprehend and produce language while practicing specific strategies for listening, reading, and writing. Many activities combine skills to better reflect real-life language use. Language is culture, and culture is reflected in language. By being exposed to real-life situations and by comparing the new cultures with their own, students acquire an awareness of and respect for other peoples. Spiraling of material is essential to move students from learning to acquisition. Continuous and systematic reentry of previously studied material while learning about new topics leads students to acquisition of language needed to carry out specific functions. Learning is enhanced when it is enjoyable. If the material presented places students in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, and if students enjoy class activities, their rate of success increases.

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Subtitulo : Conversación Y Gramática

Número de páginas 416


  • Debbie Rusch
  • Marcela Domínguez
  • Lucía Caycedo Garner


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