Libreria Circulo Rojo

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Esta Es Mi Casa

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Esta Es Mi Casa

In this book, children will learn about different kinds of homes, such as houses, apartments, and mobile homes, as well as the purpose of each room within a home. Questions about the reader s home help children connect the information to their own personal experiences.

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Número de páginas 16



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Libro ¿Dónde Viven los Animales?

Young readers are introduced to the concept of habitats in this colorful book. Each spread describes a different habitat and the animals that live there. Children will learn about habitats in forests, deserts, grasslands, wetlands, on mountains, and in the Arctic and Antarctic. An activity asks readers to use what they have learned to match photos of habitats with their habitat names.

¿Qué necesito?

Libro ¿Qué necesito?

What do people and other living things need to survive? Numerous images with simple labels show children all the things we need to live and be happy, from water and food to shelter and love. An activity asks young readers to describe how they have fun.

Mi Cuerpo Sano

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Simple text encourages children to make healthy decisions, including brushing after meals, washing hands regularly, and getting regular checkups at the dentist and the doctor.

La fotosintesis

Libro La fotosintesis

Photosynthesis is the basis for all life on Earth! This exciting and sensitive book looks at how plants take a gas that is poisonous to people and animals and, with the help of the Sun, create food and oxygen for all creatures. Children will delight at learning about the little chloroplast factories inside the leaves of plants and become aware of how important plants really are! Children of all ages will love this book!

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