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Dios Contra Los Dioses / God Against the Gods

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Dios Contra Los Dioses / God Against the Gods

The story of the suppression of polytheistic religions in the ancient world by the ever more powerful monotheistic religions is revisited in this groundbreaking comparative study of world religions. Defending the thesis that religious terrorism is neither exclusive to an individual faith nor a side effect of the times, this book studies the way in which the belief in one true God is inherently intolerant of other ways of viewing the world, and bases its existence in the suppression of any alternative perspective on the divine.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Historia De La Guerra Entre Monoteismo Y Politeismo / the History of the War Between Monotheism and Polytheism

Número de páginas 332


  • Jonathan Kirsch


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