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Curas de la Concina Latina (Cures from the Latin Kitchen)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Curas de la Concina Latina (Cures from the Latin Kitchen)

The first of its kind to be published in Spanish, this guide to the healing agents often found in Latin kitchens explores ways of soothing ulcers, battling anemia, lowering blood pressure and preventing strokes by eating certain foods. Original.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Desde el Aguacate Hasta la Yuca, la Guía Máxima del Poder Curativo de la Nutrición (From avocados to yucca, the ultimate guide to the healing power of nutrition)

Número de páginas 184


  • Abel Delgado
  • The Editors Of Prevention Magazine
  • Prevention Health Books


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