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CTIM: Construcción de casas pequeñas: Componer y descomponer figuras (STEM: Building Tiny Houses: Compose and Decompose Shapes)

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Libro CTIM: Construcción de casas pequeñas: Componer y descomponer figuras (STEM: Building Tiny Houses: Compose and Decompose Shapes)

Home is where the heart is. And more and more people are learning to love living in tiny homes. Most tiny homes are less than 20 feet long. Although it may seem small, tiny-house owners feel right at home in these small spaces. Learn all about the tiny home movement as you learn to compose and decompose shapes. This Spanish math book seamlessly integrates the teaching of math and reading, and uses real-world examples to teach math concepts. Text features include images, a glossary, an index, captions, and a table of contents to build students' vocabulary and reading comprehension skills as they interact with the text. The rigorous practice problems, sidebars, and math diagrams extend the learning experience and provide multiple opportunities for students to practice what they have learned. The Math Talk section provides an in-depth problem-solving experience to challenge higher-order thinking skills. Packed with fun facts, this informational text supports ESL students and STEM education.

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Número de páginas 32



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