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Aspectos actuales del hispanismo mundial

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Aspectos actuales del hispanismo mundial

The two volumes gather the most important findings of the nine sessions held at the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (AIH) conference in Münster, Germany, in 2016. The contributions focus, for example, on convergences and divergences between the holy and profane in medieval literature, on the constitution and construction of the "I" in Siglo de oro prose and poetry, or on the importance of space in theatre. Other central topics are transitions (in 18th- and 19th-century literature), crises and disruptions (in modern and contemporary literature), as well as transculturations and transitory identities (in view of Latin America). The volumes also contain five plenary talks and sessions discussing cinema and new media, history and culture between government and opposition, as well as language with regard to its ideological and interactive qualities.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Literatura — Cultura — Lengua

Número de páginas 1349


  • Christoph Strosetzki


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