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Spanish Words and Phrases You Need to Know

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Spanish Words and Phrases You Need to Know

Learn the most common Spanish words and phrases with two sets of flashcards. Barron’s Spanish Words and Phrases You Need to Know includes more than 400 flashcards with the 201 most common words and the 201 most common phrases. Each card includes a Spanish word or phrase with phonetic pronunciation on the front, with the English translation and a photo on the back. You’ll also find feature cards that provide pronunciation guidance, verb conjugations, pronouns, numbers, and more. With Spanish Words You Need to Know, you’ll get a sample sentence to provide the word in context, plus helpful tips for word usage. Words are organized in color-coded categories, including nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, and tricky words. With Spanish Phrases You Need to Know, you’ll get helpful tips to highlight different usage and alternate phrasing. Phrases are organized in color-coded categories, including greetings, questions, feelings/emotions, well wishes, activities/interests, and weather. Studying each word and phrase through visualization and association will increase memory retention--helping you learn and speak Spanish quickly and for longer!

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Número de páginas 412


  • Theodore Kendris


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