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Libro SIRA.

The charismatic Sira Quiroga--the unforgettable protagonist from the bestselling The Time in Between--is now back in a page-turning intrigue that moves from Jerusalem to London to Madrid to Tangiers during the tumultuous aftermath of World War Two. Four cities. Two missions. One woman. With the end of WWII, the former seamstress turned couturier turned spy Sira Quiroga is finally ready to embrace the serenity of a peaceful existence with her British diplomat husband Marcus and the upcoming prospect of motherhood. But fate has other plans in store for her, and tranquility proves elusive. Installed in Jerusalem under the British Mandate, she and Marcus become enmeshed in the murky world of shady operators, political menace, and sudden catastrophic violence. Sira finds her relationship with Marcus put to the test as tensions preceding the birth of the state of Israel reach the boiling point, spilling over into tragedy during the horrific bombing of the King David Hotel. Forced to reinvent herself, Sira travels to England, where she deals with the hostility of her mother-in-law as she undertakes a new mission with British intelligence and adopts a new identity, becoming Livia Nash, whose cover is as a journalist with the Latin American branch of the BBC. Sira is soon whisked off to Madrid, where all her skills are put into play as she meets and ultimately charms the formidable Eva Perón and is later engaged on a mission in Tangier involving the American heiress Barbara Hutton. Along the way, Sira encounters certain ghosts from her past who are bent on wreaking havoc on her life --including her former lover Ramiro, who abandoned her years ago when she was a penniless young seamstress. Ultimately it is in Morocco that Sira takes hold of the reins of her life once again and charts a new path for herself and her young son. There, in the luminous enigmatic city of Tangier where it all started, Sira is finally able to forge a new path that offers the promise of joy and fulfillment.

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Número de páginas 640



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