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Sana a Tus Antepasados Para Sanar Tu Vida

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Libro Sana a Tus Antepasados Para Sanar Tu Vida

Your family's past may be the key to healing in the present. This groundbreaking book explores the life-changing power of regression sessions that work with your ancestry. While most sessions focus solely on the client, this book shows that by contacting and sending restorative energy to certain members of your family tree, you can initiate ripples of healing that make enormous positive transformations in your life and the world. Join Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD, as she shares case studies from her generational regression practice as well as specific exercises and meditations you can do to begin your own familial healing journey. You will discover how to alleviate the suffering of your parents, grandparents, or earlier ancestors and extend the pure light of loving kindness to your own generation and even future generations who have yet to be born. This book empowers you with the tools and techniques you need to help fill your life―and the lives of your loved ones―with joy, happiness, and purpose.

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  • Shelley A. Kaehr


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