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Perro Y Gatitos: Cuando Gigi Conoció a Mimi

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Perro Y Gatitos: Cuando Gigi Conoció a Mimi

This is a true story about my poodle pooch Gigi and her endearing friendship with a feral kitten named Mimi. Gigi was quite a playful, energetic pooch with me; however, she did not share that playful spirit with other dogs initially. One early morning, a cute feral kitten was looking through the glass of our French doors. Gigi saw this and immediately wanted to play with this kitten. This was so unusual because it usually took some time for Gigi to warm up to anyone new or unfamiliar. There was a genuine fondness of each other. Their playtimes became routine play dates in the morning before I went to work and then in the evening. What was so awe inspiring about this budding friendship was that there was no feeding involved. Mimi would come over like clockwork just to be with Gigi. Gigi looked forward to their time together. She would often just wait at the French doors in anticipation of Mimi's arrival. In the interest of cultivating this friendship and protecting both, I adopted Mimi. But the story did not end there. It had just begun.As an observer to this story, my belief that we only have one life to live has deepened. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. So, cherish each day, each memory, and each feeling. Honor, memorialize, and give thanks to those with whom you wish to share those feelings, while they are still on this earth with us. Life is too short just to end up regretting that some things that I should have done, could have done or would have done, have not been done. As such, this is my special thanks to my dog and kittens, Gigi, Mimi, Papi, Sophie and Glinda. They have added so much color to my life journey with their love and companionship. With a fusion of the written word, art and photography, this book keeps their memories and love alive forever through this special story.

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Número de páginas 56


  • Tito Abeleda


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