Libreria Circulo Rojo

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Neil Armstrong

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Neil Armstrong

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first man to ever walk on the moon! Readers will be engaged from cover to cover as they learn about Armstrong's inspirational career as an astronaut in this biography that features additional information on gravity, NASA, and the moon landing. The vivid images work in conjunction with the supportive text, timeline, glossary, and index to allow for better understanding of the content. This book has been translated into Spanish.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Hombre en la Luna (Man on the Moon)

Número de páginas 32



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Libro Amelia Earhart 6-Pack

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Amelia Earhart

Libro Amelia Earhart

Young readers will be inspired by this biography about the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. The appealing images, helpful text, and supportive timeline, glossary, table of contents, and index combine to create an engaging experience as readers learn about one of the greatest female pilots of all time. This book has been translated into Spanish.

Anne Frank

Libro Anne Frank

Anne Frank's diary has become one of the most widely read books in the world. Readers will learn about Anne as she went into hiding from the Nazi Party in this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Through vibrant images, informational text, timelines, and a glossary of terms, readers will discover the hardships Anne and her family went through in order to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. This inspiring biography enables children to look up to Anne and find hope in every situation, just as she did.

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Cinematergrafía nos invita a reprensar la maternidad y sus representaciones en un corpus narrativo diverso, que recoge obras literarias y fílmicas, y abraza los años posteriores a la muerte de Franco. Con habilidad y un cuidadoso análisis, María José Gámez Fuentes muestra tanto las tensiones no evidentes del discurso representacional como esas continuidades existentes entre las narrativas de la dictadura y posteriores. Así, rescata a las madres del papel de meras ejecutoras de la ideología franquista, para poner de manifiesto la importante función que desempeñan en la construcción ...

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Libro Botellas perdidas en el mar

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El Gato

Libro El Gato

Los animales son los protagonistas de ZOO, la nueva colección del Caballo Alado de Combel que combina magníficas ilustraciones con fotografías en color, acompañadas de unos textos sencillos y divertidos en letra de palo y manuscrita. Cada título incluye un breve apartado documental para que los más pequeños descubran las principales características del animal. Disponible también en gallego.

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