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Mi Primer Larousse De Los Como Se Hace?/ My First Larousse of How Is It Made?

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Mi Primer Larousse De Los Como Se Hace?/ My First Larousse of How Is It Made?

Mi Primer Larousse (My First Larousse) is a vibrantly illustrated series of full-color visual reference books written in Spanish for school age children. This series has fun interactive die-cut closures that protect the book when not being used. From how candy is made to digging big tunnels to how pencils are created this book looks at more than 60 day to day objects that children ask where do they come from or how they are made. Simple text and amusing illustrations describe the process for children.

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Número de páginas 152


  • Editors Of Larousse/marabout


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