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¡Me Gusta Cómo Soy! / I Like Myself!

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Libro ¡Me Gusta Cómo Soy! / I Like Myself!

Inside, outside, upside down: Young readers will discover the many ways to celebrate the joy of loving who you are! With fun, energetic text and dazzlingly colorful illustrations, this lively and engaging book is now in a Spanish bilingual board book edition. High on energy and imagination, this ode to self-esteem encourages kids to appreciate everything about themselves--inside and out. Messy hair? Beaver breath? So what! Here's a little girl who knows what really matters. At once silly and serious, Karen Beaumont's joyous rhyming text and David Catrow's wild illustrations unite in a book that is sassy, soulful--and straight from the heart. Now in a Spanish-English bilingual board book edition.

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Número de páginas 30


  • Karen Beaumont


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