Libreria Circulo Rojo

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Marcha hacia delante

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Marcha hacia delante

Act out the story of Sophia, a young girl who is nervous about moving to a new town and having her life change. By hearing her grandmother's story about immigrating to America, Sophia learns that making a change and moving forward can lead to very good things! The roles in this Spanish script are written at different reading levels. This feature allows teachers to use differentiation strategies to assign specific roles to students in a way that accommodates individual reading skills. By using differentiation, teachers can get all students involved and engaged in the same activity, whether they are struggling or proficient readers. Everyone can feel successful and can enjoy building fluency through performance! While performing this story with others, students can also practice interacting cooperatively and using expressive voices and gestures. With an accompanying poem and song for additional fluency practice, this script is a dynamic resource for your first and second graders. This colorful, leveled script is sure to get all students participating and confidently practicing fluency in a way that many other texts cannot.

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Número de páginas 20



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