Libreria Circulo Rojo

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Sinopsis del Libro


I became a father at fifteen. At my young age, I wanted to play at being an adult, and the responsibilities were coming day by day in my new chapter as a father. During my boy's first birthday, I had the opportunity, over dinner at my house, to tell my mother that I would soon marry Elizabeth. She took my hand and said, "You two are too young to take such a huge step. Life is just beginning for both of you, and you still have a very long way to go and meet many more people." Regardless of her words that night, my decision to continue with the civil wedding remained solid, and a couple of months later I married Elizabeth, thinking at that moment that she was the woman with whom I would share the rest of my life. Without knowing that after three years, my mother's words would resonate in my head when the most important person in my life appeared in my world. It would really be incredible if we had a crystal ball to see our future and thus make better decisions. Believing in destiny was not important to me. I thought that life was what we were building day by day with our actions. But destiny would arrive very soon, planning step-by-step the exact moment when he would knock on the door of my heart. That sudden change in life would bring a hurricane of problems and many conflicts for Elizabeth, my family, and for that person who came to change my way of seeing life and loving in an extraordinary way.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Destiny. First Part

Número de páginas 187


  • Enrique Martinez


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