Libreria Circulo Rojo

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El mercado de productos agrícolas (Farmers Market)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El mercado de productos agrícolas (Farmers Market)

Practice standard measurement at a farmers market! This engaging title teaches young readers how to measure common food items by their height, circumference, and more, improving their mathematical and STEM skills! Vibrant images, practical examples, and simple mathematical charts help children use standard measurements, showing them how they can use these measurements in their daily lives.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Medidas estandares

Número de páginas 32



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12 Valoraciones Totales

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Un día de nuestras vidas (A Day in Our Lives) (Spanish Version)

Libro Un día de nuestras vidas (A Day in Our Lives) (Spanish Version)

Follow a day in the life of two children from different cities! This entertaining title has been translated into Spanish and encourages young readers to practice time measurement skills and early STEM themes, like reading analog and digital clocks. Familiar images and fun practice problems will have young readers thinking about how they can measure time throughout a day in their own lives!

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Libro Apín capón zapún amanicano (1134)

Andrés creía que reconocía los números, de hecho creía que lo controlaba todo... hasta que, después de entrar en contacto con una extraña secta, para salvar el pellejo tiene que ampliar su conocimiento sobre los números y distinguir entre lo accesorio (símbolos y palabras) y lo esencial... Nigromantes y castañas serán el puente entre dos culturas aritméticas. Este libro se completa con una guía didáctica y una propuesta de actividades.


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Libro La Gente de la Luna

The moon people use a cloud bridge to travel to the Earth, a messy but beautiful world of incredible variety that becomes their new home.

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