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Centenario del MNAV.

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Centenario del MNAV.

The Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales (MNAV) celebrated its first centennial in December of 2011. The museum and the building that houses it has endured transformations and different names throughout these 100 years. This is the first time that the history of the Museum is presented in a single volume; until now only scattered documentation, catalogues, folders and press releases existed. The editorial proposal included the participation of three former directors -Ángel Kalenberg, Jacqueline Lacasa and Mario Sagradini- that gave testimony of their experience, which accounts for forty-one years of its history. The present director of the museum, Enrique Aguerre, summoned up the origin and the first 58 years of the institution highlighting the contributions of previous directors: Domingo Laporte (1855-1928), Ernesto Laroche (1879-1940), José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975) and Alberto Muñoz del Campo (1889-1975). The book includes the history of the building and its transformations in time, from the old "Pabellón de Higiene", to the last reforms made by architect Clorindo Testa and an historical analyses of the patrimonial collection development through bequests, donations and acquisitions. Finally, the book remembers its most outstanding exhibitions, those that made the MNAV an indisputable cultural reference in Uruguay. A complete chronology closes this publication with file images.

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Número de páginas 203


  • Museo Nacional De Artes Visuales De Montevideo (uruguay)


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