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Catastrofes Aereas

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Catastrofes Aereas

What was once a romantic race for the skies at the turn of the century has become, now at the threshold of the new Millennium, a fierce commercial competition where no contestant can afford to lose ground. Catastrofes aereas is a journey through the most resonant and disastrous accidents in the history of commercial aviation, where the account of the events, experts' investigations, technical explanations, and the testimonies of those who lived or witnessed it are but the beginning of the story. There is also the political, economic and social context in which they occurred, and the outside interests that influenced each. Included is a chronological summary of the major worldwide disasters, and a striking account of the Boeing disaster that took place on August 31, 1999 at the Buenos Aires Airport.

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Número de páginas 208


  • Daniel Guillermo Cecchini


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