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Libros de Priscilla Shirer (2 libros)

La Armadura de Dios

Libro La Armadura de Dios

La Armadura de Dios. Cada día, vives en una guerra espiritual invisible y muchas veces desconocida. Sin embargo, la sientes en cada aspecto de tu vida. Un enemigo maligno y devoto lucha por atacar todo lo que te interesa: tu corazón, mente, matrimonio, hijos, relaciones, perseverancia, sueños, y destino. La estrategia del enemigo es sorprenderte desprevenido y desarmado. Si estás cansado de sentirte intimidado, y que los ataques te agarren desprevenido, este estudio es para ti. El enemigo siempre fracasa de manera miserable al encontrarse con creyentes bien equipados. La Armadura de Dios, ...

Interrupción Divina

Libro Interrupción Divina

From telemarketers to traffic jams to twenty-item shoppers in the ten-item line, our lives are full of interruptions. They're often aggravating, sometimes infuriating, and can make us want to tell people what we really think about them. But they also tell us something quite important about ourselves. The prophet Jonah's life was interrupted by a clear call of God that made him mad enough and scared enough to run in the completely opposite direction. Yet it wasn't really an interruption. It was an opportunity for Jonah to be involved in something the likes of which the Old Testament world had...