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Libros de Leopoldo Alas (3 libros)

La Regenta

Libro La Regenta

With its frank sexuality and searing critique of the Church, "La Regenta" scandalized contemporary Spain when it was first published in 1885. Married to the retired magistrate of Vetusta, Ana Ozores cares deeply for her much older husband but feels stifled by the monotony of her life in the shabby and conservative provincial town. When she embarks on a quest for fulfillment through religion and even adultery, a bitter struggle begins between a powerful priest and a would-be Don Juan for the passionate young womanas body and soul. Spainas answer to "Madame Bovary, La Regenta" wittily depicts...

Relatos breves

Libro Relatos breves

Leopoldo Alas, Clarín, es una de las figuras intelectualmente brillantes y atractivas del siglo XIX español. Domina, de forma absoluta, el panorama de la crítica literaria en la segunda mitad del siglo. (...)Los relatos breves de Clarín son muestra evidente de un dualismo que aparece fijado en los dos sentimientos contrapuestos por Leopoldo Alas a través de sus relatos: vitalismo y ternura frente a intelectualismo seco y racionalización excesiva.



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