
Traces the career of the turn of the century Spanish architect, shows his designs for homes, apartments, schools, and churches, and discusses his unique, organic style
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Traces the career of the turn of the century Spanish architect, shows his designs for homes, apartments, schools, and churches, and discusses his unique, organic style
"La obra arquitectónica de Gaudí es inseparable de la ciudad de Barcelona. Aunque no todas sus realizaciones se hayan producido en esta ciudad, lo cierto es que no puede entenderse el conjunto de su obra sin establecer una directa relación con las ilusiones y cambios que esta ciudad vive desde el último tercio del siglo XIX hasta la segunda década del siglo XX."--Amazon.
Traces the career of the turn of the century Spanish architect, shows his designs for homes, apartments, schools, and churches, and discusses his unique, organic style
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