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Libros de Aaron Carr (3 libros)

Los Tractores

Libro Los Tractores

Farmers use tractors to plow their fields. Tractors are also used on construction sites. The biggest tractors are as wide as a road. Learn more about these machines in Tractors, an AV2 media enhanced book

El Apatosaurio

Libro El Apatosaurio

Did you know that an Apatosaurus was longer than four cars end to end? It weighed more than 70,000 pounds (31,751 kilograms). Learn more about this fascinating creature in Apatosaurus. The AV2 Spanish language collection gives emerging bilingual readers access to both a printed Spanish book and an eBook that provides both Spanish and English translations of the text.

El cangrejo ermitaño

Libro El cangrejo ermitaño

Los cangrejos ermitaños no tienen caparazón propio. Deben mudarse a caparazones más grandes a medida que crecen. Aprende estos y otros datos intrigantes en El cangrejo ermitaño, uno de los libros de Me encanta mi mascota. Hermit crabs do not have their own shells. They must move into bigger shells as their bodies grow. Learn these intriguing facts and more in Hermit Crab, an I Love My Pet book.